Recording Moves
This section is here for you to look at if you are ever in doubt. You may want to look at the previous section, Chess notation if you are not sure about how the squares are numbered.
If you arrived on this page by accident and you do not feel that you need to read it, please move on to another topic.

The pieces are represented by capital letters: K king, Q Queen, R rook, B bishop, N Knight, ( Knight begins with K but we have used this letter for the king)
To write down a move, give the capital letter of the piece followed by the square it goes to e.g. Qe4 means that the Queen goes to e4.  Bb6 means that the bishop goes to b6. Remember that the piece is represented by a capital letter B bishop but the letter used for the square is a small letter as in b6
We do not write P for pawn. We simply give the square it moves to e6 means that a pawn has moved to e6
Diagram1 on the left shows the pieces and pawns in position for the start of the game.

Diagram 2 shows the first move of the game; the white knight moves to f3; this is written as Nf3
In diagram 3 below  black has moved his pawn to e6 so this is written e6.
Diagram 2          Nf3                                                                                                  Diagram 3  e6

 Diagram 4  e4  white pawn moves to e4                                                                        Diagram 5 Bc5    black bishop to b5

The piece making the capture is indicated by its capital letter as before; this is followed by "X" ( meaning captures) and the square that the piece has moved to. e.g Qxf6 means that the queen captures a piece on f6.
 When a pawn makes a capture the pawn is indicated with a small letter by the file that it stands on . A pawn standing on b2,b3,b4,b5,b6 or b7  is called a b pawn.
You write down the pawn's file letter,followed by X,followed by the square that captured man stands on. bxc5 means that the a pawn on the b file has captured a piece and now stands on c5.

Diagram 6 shows a new position from a different game.                      Diagram 7   Bxf6  Bishop captures a piece on f6
This continues from diagram 7
Diagram 8 dxc6 The d pawn captures a piece on c6
Diagram 9 White castles on the King's side. There is a special way of writing this   O-O

 Diagram10 Again this is a position from a new game                  Diagram 11 Black castles on the  queen's side.

                                                                                              Once  again  there is a special way of writing it 0-0-0

Diagram 12 Again this is a position from a different game.                                  Diagram 13 exd5 Black's e pawn captures                                                                                                                          a   white pawn on d5
Diagram14 is a new position                                                     Diagram15  b5 Black moves his pawn to b5

 White's a pawn now captures black's b pawn en passant. White's pawn now stands on a6 so we write axb6

When you look at diagram 16 remember that the pawn being captured used to stand on b5.

  Now this can be confusing because the capturing pawn does not stand on the square of the pawn being captured.

Remember we write down the letter of the capturing pawn (letter a in this case), x and the square that the pawn moves to (b6 in this case)

Diagram 16 axb6
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