Checkmate or stalemate.
In diagram 1, the white king is in check and cannot get out of check. If it goes to g8 or e8 it is still in check from the rook. If it goes to e7, f7 or g7 it is in check from the queen. This is checkmate and black has won the game.
In diagram 2 the king is not in check but there are no moves that he can make without going into check.  Black has no pieces or pawns on the board which can move. This is stalemate and the game is a draw.
                   Diagram 1                                                                    Diagram 2

Remember that if the king is in check and cannot move out of check that is checkmate.
If the king is not in check but cannot move without going into check and no other men can move that is stalemate.

Look at the next diagrams and decide if each is an example of checkmate or stalemate or neither of these.
Then click the link at the bottom of the page to see if you are right.
 Diagram 3                                                                               Diagram 4

                                 Diagram  5                                                                       Diagram 6

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