The Knight fork.
In the diagram on the right the white knight is attacking black's queen and his rook at the same time.





 Black will probably move his queen away but the white knight can then take the black rook.



 The knight has taken the rook.

Now the black queen can take the knight.












The black queen has taken the knight.

After all this has happened we can see that white has lost a knight but black has lost a rook. A rook is worth more than a knight so white has done well.





Now if you look at diagram 2 you see another knight fork. This time the knight is putting the black king in check and it is also attacking the queen.

Black must move his king out of check but when he does this the white knight will take his queen. 





Now look at diagram 3

Where can white move to produce a fork?

Think about this and then click the link to go the next page.



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