Mating with 2 rooks

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 1.The aim is to push the king to one of the edges of the board where he can be checkmated.

 2. White has played Rg5+. This is not a good move since black can simply move his king to d4 and he is no nearer the edge of the board.

3.   Rg4 is the correct move. Black cannot move his king to c4, d4 or e4 and white can start pushing him to the top of the board. 

4. Black has played  Ke5

5 In the diagram on the right white has played Rh6+  

In order to get out of check the king must move towards the top edge of the board. 

6. Black has played Kf6.  This means that white cannot move a rook to g6 because it would be captured. 

7 White has played Ra4. This rook can now be used to check the king again. 

 8. Black has played Kg6, attacking the other rook. 

9. White has played Rb5, moving the rook out of danger. 

10.  Black has played. Kf7.   Is Ra7+ the best move for white?

11. No.If white plays Ra7+ Black can play Kf6, moving his king away from the side of the board.   Instead white plays Ra6 so the king cannot move further from the side of the board.

12 Black plays Ke7, moving his king to the left. 

 13 White plays Rb7+ so black must move to the edge of the board

 14 Black has played Kd8

15 White plays Ra8 checkmate

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